Booking Information

Please check our calendar (under Events) before emailing us about a date. The calender is up to date with all shows that have been officially booked. 

To book a show, please fill out the booking form (linked below) and we will email you back as soon as possible. Once you receive a confirmation email, we ask that you bring in your $30 deposit ASAP to officially confirm your date. If you cannot pay the entire deposit, we ask that you bring in at least half ($15) so we know you really are serious about booking the date. The entire deposit must be paid BEFORE the show begins. 

The Bel-Tower takes $1 a head from the door at the end of the night. 

Important information for Promoters

  • Bel-Tower will run door. If promoter prefers to run door please let us know and we will run you through our door process.
  • Please bring your own change.
  • Feeding bands and providing water is your responsibility. Bel-Tower is more then willing to prepare food for bands in our kitchen but we must be notified at least a few days before the show.
  • You are responsible for any damages that happen during the show. This includes but are not limited to damages done to the building, sound equipment, etc.
  • All shows need to end by 11PM. This is in respect for our neighbors.
  • It is your job to promote your show. Bel-Tower will help you promote as long as you provide us with flyers, via email or good old fashion paper flyers.
  • We ask that you help us enforce our policies, no drinking or drugs, no violence, no bigotry or discrimination.

If you have any other questions you can email us or ask us at any event. Please don't be afraid to come up to any of us at any event to ask us any questions, booking or non booking related!

 Click Here for Booking Form.